Publications & products from IML research groups


Note: An asterisk(*) behind an author’s name indicates that the author was an undergraduate IML scholar.

  1. Chen, Z.*, Ding, K., Huang, Y.*, Jia, X.*, Rosenblatt, J., Su, Y.*, & Xue, J.* (2025). Covering Area in a Disc by Finitely Many Triangles. The PUMP Journal of Undergraduate Research, 8, 47–56.
  2. Roy Araiza, Jihong Cai*, Yushan Chen*, Abraham Holtermann*, Chieh Hsu*, Tushar Mohan*, Peixue Wu, Zeyuan Yu*, “A note on the stabilizer formalism via noncommutative graphs”, (2023) ArXiv
  3. Yu Du*, Gabriel Kosmacher*, Yichen Liu, JeffMassman*, Joseph Palmer, Timothy Thieme*, Jerry Wu*, Zheyu Zhang*, “Packing densities of Delzant and semitoric polygons”, SIGMA 19 (2023), 081, 42 pages, ArXiv
  4. Z. Chen*, K. Ding, Y. Huang*, X. Jia*, J. Rosenblatt, Y. Su*, J. Xue*, “Alternative least squares approximations via offsets”.
  5. Z. Chen*, K. Ding, Y. Huang*, X. Jia*, J. Rosenblatt, Y. Su*, J. Xue*, “Covering area in a disc by finitely many triangles”, (2022)
  6. József Balogh, Felix Christian Clemen, Haoran Luo, “Non-degenerate Hypergraphs with Exponentially Many Extremal Constructions”. ArXiv
  7. Xiaojian Li*, Jay Reiter*, Shiang Tang, Napoleon Wang*, Jin Yi*, “P-adic incomplete gamma functions and Artin-Hasse-type series”, Ultrametric Analysis and Applications (2022) 14, 335-343. ArXiv
  8. Lucia M. Wagner, Sara M. Clifton, “Modeling the public health impact of e-cigarettes on adolescents and adults”, Chaos (2021) 31(11):113137.
  9. Igor Araujo, Kareem Benaissa*, Richard Bi*, Sean English, Shengan Wu*, Pai Zheng*, “Rainbow Connection for Complete Multipartite Graphs”, (2023) ArXiv
  10. Albert Cao*, Felix Christian Clemen, Sean English, Xiaojian Li*, Tatum Schmidt*, Leeann Xoubi*, Weian Yin*, “Chasing the threshold bias of the 3-AP game”, Australasian J. of Combinatorics (2022) Vol. 84(1), 167-177.
  11. Abdullah Dean*, Sean English, Tongyun Huang*, Robert A. Krueger, Andy Lee*, Mose Mizrahi*, Casey Wheaton-Werle*, “Firefighting on the hexagonal grid”, Discrete Applied Mathematics (2021) Vol. 305, 16-22.  arXiv
  12. Philipp Hieronymi, Dun Ma*, Reed Oei*, Luke Schaeffer, Christian Schulz, Jeffrey Shallit, “Decidability for Sturmian words”, (2021) arXiv
  13. Reed Oei*, Dun Ma*, Christian Schulz, Philipp Hieronymi, “Pecan: An Automated Theorem Prover for Automatic Sequences using Büchi Automata”, (2021) arXiv
  14. Zhengda Mo*, Sam Qunell*, Anush Tserunyan, Jenna Zomback, “Characterization of saturated graphs related to pairs of disjoint matchings”, Illinois J. Math. 66(1): 59-77 (2022). arXivDOI
  15. Ali Guo*, Kieran Kaempen*, Zhengda Mo*, Sam Qunell*, Joe Rogge*, Chao Song*, Anush Tserunyan, Jenna Zomback, “Pairs of disjoint matchings and related classes of graphs”, Involve, A Journal of Mathematics (2023) 16-2, 249-264. arXivDOI
  16. Xinxin Chen*, Adam Dor-On, Langwen Hui*, Christopher Linden, Yifan Zhang*, “Doob equivalence and non-commutative peaking for Markov chains”, Journal of Noncommutative Geometry (2021), 15:4, 1469-1484.  arXiv
  17. Zhaodong Cai*, Matthew Faust*, A.J. Hildebrand, Junxian Li, Yuan Zhang*, “The Surprising Accuracy of Benford’s Law in Mathematics”, American Mathematical Monthly (2019) 127:3, 217-237 arXiv [Winner of the MAA Paul R. Halmos-Lester R. Ford Award, 2021]
  18. Yuying Dai*, Ankush Hore, Siqi Jiao*, Tianxu Lan*, Pavlos Motakis, “Continuous factorization of the identity matrix”, Involve, Vol. 13 No. 1 (2020) 149–164 arXiv
  19. Weiru Chan*, Jared Krandel*, “Interpolating Classical Partitions of the Set of Positive Integers”,  Ramanujan Journal of Mathematics 53 (2020) 209–241, arXiv,
  20. Alexi Block Gorman, Philipp Hieronymi, Elliot Kaplan, Ruoyu Meng*, Erik Walsberg, Zihe Wang*, Ziqin Xiong*, Hongru Yang*, “Continuous regular functions”, Logical Methods of Computer Science, Vol. 16 No 1 (2020), arXiv
  21. Sara M. Clifton, Kaitlin Hill, Avinash J. Karamchandani, Eric A. Autry, Patrick McMahon*, Grace Sun*, “Mathematical Model of Gender Bias and Homophily in Professional Hierarchies”, Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 29, 023135 (2019), arXiv
  22. Zhaodong Cai*, Matthew Faust*, A.J. Hildebrand, Junxian Li, Yuan Zhang*, “Leading Digits of Mersenne Numbers”, Experimental Mathematics, (2019),  DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2018.1D551162
  23. Ivan Contreras, Boyan Xu*, “The Graph Laplacian and Morse Inequalities”, Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 300, No 2 (2019) arXiv
  24. Ivan Contreras, Michael Toriyama*, Chengzheng Yu*, “Gluing of graph Laplacians and their spectra”, Linear and Multilinear Algebra (2018), DOI: 10.1080/03081087.2018.1516727 
  25. Rachneet Kaur, Xun Lin*, Alexander Layton*, Manuel Hernandez*, Richard Sowers, “Virtual Reality, Visual Cliffs, and Movement Disorders,” 2018 40th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), pp. 81-84, DOI: 10.1109/EMBC.2018.8512246
  26. Chuan Du*, Christopher Szul*, Adarsh Manawa*, Nima Rasekh, Rosemary Guzman, Ruth Davidson, “RGB image-based data analysis via discrete Morse theory and persistent homology”, Preprint (2018), arXiv
  27. Zhaodong Cai*, A.J. Hildebrand, Yunxian Li, “A local Benford’s Law for arithmetic sequences”, Int. J. Number Theory 15 (2019), 613-638.(2018), arXiv
  28. A.J. Hildebrand, Junxian Li, Xiaomin Li*, Yun Xie*, “Almost Beatty Partitions”, J. Integer Seq. 22 (2019), Article 19.4.6 (2018), arXiv
  29. Weiru Chen*, Mo Jiao*, Calvin Kessler*, Amita Malik, Xin Zhang, “Spatial Statistics of Apollonian Gaskets”, Experimental Mathematics  (2017),  DOI: 10.1080/10586458.2017.1385037 
  30. Zhaodong Cai*, Matthew Faust*, A.J. Hildebrand, Yunxian Li, Yuan Zhang*, “Leading Digits of Mersenne Numbers”, Experimental Mathematics (2019), arXiv
  31. Ivan Contreras, Sarah Loeb, Chengzheng Yu*, “Hyperwalk Formulae for Even and Odd Laplacians in Finite CW-Hypergraphs”, Preprint (2017) arXiv
  32. Rachneet Kaur, Daan Michiels, Vivek Kaushik*, Martin Bantchev*, Manuel Hernandez, Richard Sowers, “A Brain Computer Interface Approach To Examine Changes In Anxiety While Walking In A Virtually Infinite World”, 2017 Biomedical Engineering Society Annual Meeting
  33. Yingying Ren*, Sihan Zha*, Jingwen Bi*, Jose A. Sanchez*, Cara Monical, Michelle Delcourt, Rosemary Guzman, Ruth Davidson, “A combinatorial method for connecting BHV spaces representing different numbers of taxa”, Preprint (2017), arXiv
  34. Chengzheng Yu*, “Super-walk formulae for even and odd Laplacians in finite graphs”, Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal: Vol. 18 : Issue 1, Article 16, available at: 
  35. Jared C. BronskiYizhang He*Xinye Li*Yue Liu*Danielle Rae Sponseller*Seth Wolbert, “The stability of fixed points for a Kuramoto model with Hebbian interactions”, Chaos 27(2017), DOI:  10.1063/1.4983524 
  36. Jessica Li*, Laura Schaposnik, “Interface control and snow crystal growth”, Phys. Rev. E (2016),  vol. 93, no. 2 (2016), 023302, arXiv
  37. Jason Hempstead*,  “Apollonian Circle Packings and the Riemann Hypothesis,” Rose-Hulman Undergraduate Mathematics Journal: Vol. 16 : Issue 2, Article 13, available at: 
  38. A. Turner*, A. Uppal*, P. Xu*, “Spacing distribution of a Bernoulli sampled sequence”, Preprint (2015) arXiv

Wolfram Demonstrations

  1. Alex Jin*, Efstathios Konstantinos Chrontsios Garitsis, A.J.  Hildebrand:  “Random Walks Based on Continued Fraction Expansions of Real Numbers”,,  Published: July 11, 2022
  2. Nick Kokkines*, Andre Park*, Efstathios Konstantinos Chrontsios Garitsis, A.J. Hildebrand:  “Fractal Curves Generated by Fourier Series”,,  Published: March 22, 2022.
  3. Xiaojun Jia*, Troy Yang*, Sarah Zimmerman*, Efstathios Konstantinos Chrontsios Garitsis: “Julia Sets Produced by Cubic Polynomials”,, Published: July 26, 2021.
  4. Adithya Swaminathan, Dimitrios Tambakos*, A. J. Hildebrand: “Fractal Curves Generated by the Sum-of-Digits Function”,, Published: June 17, 2021.
  5. Ka Fung Tjin*: “Pseudorandom Walks with Generalized Gauss Sums”,, Published: June 25, 2020.
  6. Erqian Wang*: “Gauss Sum Walks”,, Published: June 22, 2020.
  7. Yikai Teng*: “Simulating the Coupon Collector Problem”,, Published: May 30, 2019. 
  8. Raymond Harpster*: “Method of Lagrange Multipliers”,, Published: May 14, 2019
  9. Tianli Li*: “Randomness Test in Coupon Collecting”,, Published: May 6, 2019.
  10. Yiyin Shen* and Yitao Meng*: “Floating Random Walk Solution to the Dirichlet Problem”,, Published: April 1, 2019.
  11. Cameron Nachreiner*: “Random Walk Solutions to the Dirichlet Problem for the Laplace Equation”,, Published: March 5, 2019.    
  12. Yirui Luo*: “Random Walks and the Heat Equation”,, Published: February 13, 2019.   
  13. Yuheng Chang*: “Discrete Harmonic Functions and Dirichlet’s Relaxation Method”,, Published: January 22, 2019
  14. Baihe Duan*: “Examples of 2D Harmonic Functions”,, Published: January 18, 2019.
  15. Zelin Li* and A. J. Hildebrand:  “The 1860 US Presidential Election under Different Voting Methods”,, Published: February 2016 


  1. Website “Video as a Sensor”, Work conducted for Rich Sowers and Dan Work’s Spring 2017 IGL project Geometry of Autonomous Vehicles and Summer 2017 IGL project Video as a Sensor.
  2. Website “Traffic Patterns in Manhattan”, Work conducted for Rich Sowers and Dan Work’s Fall 2016 and Spring 2017 IGL project Traffic Patterns in Manhattan.
  3. Website “Visual Cliffs and Virtual Reality”, Work conducted for Rich Sowers and Manuel Hernandez’s Spring 2017 and Summer 2017 IGL project Visual Cliffs, Virtual Reality and Movement Disorders.
  4. The online site “Project 415x” ( is based on Cary Malkiewich and Jenya Sapir’s Fall 2015 IGL research project Interactive Learning Tools for Linear Algebra.